Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Turmoil - 2


Part 2

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on January 22, 2025

Some more info about the Darks’ mega structure on the Subtle Plane and how it works that Disclosure News mentioned earlier (see “Turmoil“, DNI, 17 January 2025). On these etheric and astral planes, all tube-shaped towers are grouped into 6 units and connected at the tops with trussing, which looks like black snowflake structures from above. They extend above all countries in wide circles and are part of the Dark Matrix, located between the Light one and the surface, copying the two tori frames of the Local Universe (see – Two Tori, DNI, 10 November 2024.

Recall that in every tower, all 18 floors are filled with cells, where the lowest vibrating beings stay in the dormant or awake state. They actively incarnate in every territory and some become our acquaintances, friends or even family members if their radiated freqs are similar. Many willingly make contact from the Subtle Plane posing as friendly space races, Keepers, Guardian Angels and even Co-Creators to feed on the contactees’ energy. Some bloggers wage mental wars thinking they are providing serious assistance to Light Forces, but in fact Dark entities are having fun with them. This does not cause much harm to their bodies, which easily restored due to the vitality of such sites’ warriors.

The more aggressive ones act harder, attacking channelers to suck out their life energy for feeding selves and those who steer them. After an attack, there are wounds on Subtle Bodies, the edges of which usually heal in a few minutes, leaving only a thin scar at the site of the injury. However, the attackers always try to prevent fusion of delicate tissues and fill them with parasitic nanites, causing further loss of victims’ forces, even fainting. They open the wound again and again, sucking on it like leeches, causing unbearable pain and sharp deterioration in the person’s wellness. This torture can last for a long time.

Dark entities often set them at anyone who opposes the System and its Power Pyramid, especially against Lightwarriors. But the latter usually have strong defenses and can deliver devastating counterattacks. Wounded and maimed minions are immediately taken back to towers, where they are placed in pools with a healing substance saturated with argon and other chemicals that quickly restore Subtle Bodies. Half-dead beings become alert, energetic, and ready for further use.

Their runners, a kind of hierarchy, treat these entities as consumable, helping to incarnate as terrorists, mercenaries, secret squads of butchers and killers. Today, they are sent in large numbers to Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan, and African countries, torn by internal conflicts. On the astral plane above these regions, over the towers, holograms of specific locations on the surface are hanging, and the entire space below is clearly visible. Higher, the rulers are settled, from which, like from lion’s mane medusas, an unimaginably amount of energy threads extend, tightly wrapping and penetrating deep into each hologram, and every fighter and mercenary.

Their offensives are accompanied by massive bloodshed and end by destruction of all militants. Those who don’t die are finished off by their war buddies, or are turned off automatically in the astral plane. The rulers are waiting for such moments, anticipating a powerful influx of huge negative energy and steering the course of the battles. Each assailant does not suspect that he is doomed to torment and death in order to saturate with his energy those who, on the Subtle Plane, send him to slaughter. They will sort out some of this energy by levels and use it to activate emotions in other fighters. The souls of the dead will be rolled up into balls and placed in cells in a special storage area to be activated in the future (see – Rats, DNI, 28 December 2024).

The described structure is only a part of the 3D Matrix and the Power Pyramid on the Subtle Plane. In the attachment areas of the towers’ “snowflakes” trussing, control junctions monitor everything happening on the surface via the astral plane. Each unit has several tiers with multiple computers and screens to scan the situation in specific locations. This equipment is linked by energy channels to sentient octopus-shaped clusters with sealed and semi-unlocked holograms of events that are activated in a given State(s) when needed. These hologram projections of war and crisis are several times larger than ordinary ones, because contain many options and a huge number of ready Dark entities.

Managing a negative agenda is the same as fighting, whether it’s in Ukraine, Syria or other hotspots. Energy threads spread from “final beneficiaries” on the astral plane to actors in particular countries at all levels of legislative and executive power, political, economic, and information structures. These threads branch further down into lower-level staff. In front of “beneficiaries,” semicircular screens are set for remote steering and hologram projection, which can even hold developments for a few seconds. Commands are sent directly to the heads of key actors, scanning their thoughts, emotions, and deeds to quickly impact on them (for more information on this topic, see – New Bio and Energy Weapon of Mass Destruction, Part 1 and Part 2, DNI, 14 and 15 August 2020).

In turn, the “beneficiaries” are run by NAA’s AI and cannot withstand the heaviest duty loads, which consume their Subtle Bodies, consciousness, and Soul if they have. Only 2% survive and are placed on a higher astral sub-level. The rest are quickly destroyed and split, and Co-Creators place the remains on the still uninhabited planets in the Local Universe.

Why don’t they destroy the parasitic System in one blow? One reason is its deep roots and tight knitting in each of us, openly or secretly. The second reason is the war for the Souls of incarnated Dark beings, helping their inner awakening and transformation. This is well illustrated, for example, in a blockbuster about Jason Bourne, played beautifully by Matt Damon, as the entire negative system on the surface.

After many incarnations on Earth, we invariably return to these towers and cannot leave because of the huge burden of accumulated evil, hatred, malice, and aggression. That is why, Souls of many of our friends and relatives go there and return back to us. Are we ready to sacrifice them if, tired of current turmoil, pound our fists on the table and demand that Co-Creators immediately destroy, kill, and annihilate this whole system with all of its inhabitants?

Until recently, before the current stage of the Transition, there were TRILLIONS of negative entities from our and other Local Universes in the Earth’s astral and etheric layers and around the towers. They could easily and freely embody in quantities that the planet’s Matrix could withstand, and lived in different countries as much as wanted. Now, their access here is prohibited.

Only Souls from Light worlds not lower than the fifth dimension can come to Earth. So far, only those, whom Co-Creators have not yet removed from the astral and etheric planes, and earthlings with similar frequencies are rotating through the towers. Before the pinpointed dismantling, their existence facilitates monitoring, studying, and selecting Souls. Those who cannot be saved are sent to grinders, but each that returns to the Source’s Light is above rubies. The described structure is only a part of the 3D Matrix and Power Pyramid on the Subtle Plane, from which the current global elite is incarnating. But their removal is a different story. In 2006, on Earth, the ratio of Light and Dark Forces was 50/50, in January 2025 – 69/31 in favor of the former. So there’s still a lot of work ahead.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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