Gratitude and Returning to Christ Consciousness
By Patricia Cota-Robles
Posted on February 6, 2025

As we enter the second month of this powerful year 2025, we have had some time to experience just how things have changed since we completed our 40-Day purging process on the December 21st Solstice. Our Father-Mother God revealed that the most important accomplishment during that purging process is that the psychic astral realm of illusion surrounding the Earth was Transfigured.
Through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth the grossly mutated psychic astral realm of illusion was Transfigured from a dense tar-like substance into a transparent gossamer-like veil. Now, the ever-increasing Light of God is easily flowing into the physical realm of Mother Earth unimpeded. This greatly intensified influx of our Father-Mother God’s Light is assisting each and every person in unexpected and very life-enhancing ways. This is true whether we have been able to perceive this on a Conscious level yet or not.
To be Consciously aware of this Divine Intervention is very comforting and supportive during these powerful, but often challenging, times. Today, the Company of Heaven is going to guide us through an activity of Light that is designed to Uniquely Awaken each of us to a Higher level of Divine Consciousness. This will help us to more tangibly perceive the assistance we are receiving through the newly transparent and gossamer-like veil.
This activity of Light will be stated in the 1st person so that we will each experience it personally. But KNOW, we are invoking this Light through the I AM Presence of every Son and Daughter of our Father-Mother God embodied on Earth. And we begin.
I AM my I AM Presence, and I AM One with the I AM Presences of all of my Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity. As One Breath, One Voice, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love I proceed.
As I invoke this Activity of Light for myself, I invoke it on behalf of every person on Earth in perfect alignment with each One’s Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned. This is possible because we are One and there is no separation.
Beloved Father-Mother God, from your glorious Heart I was Breathed into Being as a Christ Conscious Child of God, and into your Loving Heart, one day, when my learning experiences on Earth are complete, I shall return as my I AM Presence grown to full stature.
I thank you for the privilege of having Life and for having a physical embodiment during this Cosmic Moment on Earth when the Sons and Daughters of God who fell from Grace aeons ago will, at last, Cocreate the experience of returning to our full Divine Potential of Christ Consciousness.
Beloved Father-Mother God, thank you for allowing me and all of Humanity to serve as Instruments of God during this auspicious moment when our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, is reclaiming her rightful place of Divine Love in every person’s Heart Flame.
I AM deeply Grateful to individually and collectively serve as a surrogate on behalf of ALL of Humanity. I now offer the Cup of my Consciousness as the Holy Grail through which the Light of God will flow to ensure that every person on Earth will Victoriously return to the Uniquely Awakened state of Christ Consciousness through his or her own endeavors.
Through the Grace of my Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love and my Father God’s Divine Will and Power, I AM now reclaiming my full Divine Potential as a Christ Conscious Child of God.
Beloved Father-Mother God, as I Uniquely Awaken into the Enlightened state of Christ Consciousness invest me with the Power and Love to magnetize and radiate forth with every thought, feeling, word, action and belief I express, the Divinity of my I AM Presence and the patterns of perfection for the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth.
I ACCEPT and KNOW that through my Awakening into Christ Consciousness, I AM able to perpetually add to the Light of the World.
With this knowing…
On the Holy Breath, I now Breathe in and out deeply and rhythmically through my Heart Chakra. With every Inbreath, I align with the Comprehensive Divine Love of my Mother God and the Sacred Breath of the Holy Spirit.
With every Outbreath, my Mother God opens my Heart Chakra to NEW breadths and projects her Comprehensive Divine Love into the physical plane of Earth.
Through this activity of Light, the portal within my right-brain hemisphere and my Heart Chakra, through which the Love of my Mother God originally flowed to bless all Life on Earth, is now opening to NEW breadths.
As the full potential of my Mother God’s Pink Flame of Comprehensive Divine Love pulsates through my Heart Chakra, it is brought into perfect balance with my Father God’s Blue Flame of Power and the Son’s and Daughter’s of God’s Yellow-Gold Flame of Christ Consciousness in the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in my Heart.
This newly balanced Threefold Flame in my Heart has a dual pulsation. The first pulsation is the Inbreath—assimilating and absorbing the Power and Love of my Father-Mother God and the Enlightenment of Christ Consciousness in the Sons and Daughters of God. The second pulsation is the Outbreath—expanding and radiating out the Power and Love of my Father-Mother God and the Enlightenment of Christ Consciousness in the Sons and Daughters of God.
On the Inbreath, my Threefold Flame extends up in vibration piercing into the very Heart and Mind of God, the Source of never-ending perfection. On the Outbreath, my balanced Threefold Flame radiates the blessings from the Heart and Mind of my Father-Mother God into the physical plane of Earth.
On every Inbreath my Heart Flame Ascends into new heights of Divinity, and on each Outbreath, through my NEWLY expanded Heart Chakra, my Heart Flame becomes a stronger pulsation of my Father-Mother God’s blessings into the world of form.
Because of the dual activity of my Inbreath and Outbreath, my Heart Flame is both the portal into the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light within me, as well as the Source of all of the Divine Blessings from my Father-Mother God to Humanity and Mother Earth.
My Threefold Flame is also the inward portal for my return to Christ Consciousness and my open heart and mind telepathic communication with my Father-Mother God, my I AM Presence and the entire Company of Heaven.
This means that through my Holy Breath, my return to Christ Consciousness and my inner journey back to my Father-Mother God are balanced with my outer service to Humanity and all Life. It is within this balance that I open my NEWLY expanded Heart Chakra once again to the perpetual flow of my Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love.
I realize now, as never before, that Christ Consciousness is my Divine Birthright as a Beloved Son or Daughter of God. Through this level of Divine Consciousness, I AM One with my Father-Mother God and every particle and wave of Life throughout the whole of Creation. As I live, move, Breathe, and have my Being within the Enlightened state of Christ Consciousness, I realize ALL that my Father-Mother God have is mine.
I now KNOW that the Enlightened Path of Divine Love leading to Christ Consciousness is the Way, the Truth and the Life for every Son and Daughter of God. For this I AM Eternally Grateful. And so it is, Beloved I AM That I AM.
God Bless you Dear One, I look forward to being with you next week.

- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.
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