I Call Us Heroes
By Steve Beckow

Lightworkers by Suki Eleuterio
Part 1
We keep looking to a change of personnel as what will do it for Planet Earth.
Once it was Gandhi. Then Martin Luther King. Then John Kennedy. And now Donald Trump and his team.
I’m not underestimating or diminishing their profound contributions, by any means. Having their leadership was – and is – a great blessing.
But, in my humble view, we still keep forgetting the most vital matter.
Unless there is integrity – in here, with us, informing our thoughts and actions – moving our piece around the chessboard of material existence probably will not help all that much.
Given the game of politics the way we have it set up at present, it’s a bleeding miracle that we ever got this far in terms of draining the swamp of pure evil that has taken hold of so many Earthly institutions and social groups.
But we won’t get much further – or much further without us incurring more attacks like LaHaina and LA – without us doing the work we’re demanding of our leaders. We need to restore our own integrity first and society’s second.
Without integrity, we’re a house divided against itself, which will not stand. Without telling the truth, we’re a house divided. Without sharing, helping, reaching out, we’re a house divided. Our soul wants one thing and we settle for what our mind and senses want. Ordinarily it works but not when one is under attack by DEW weapons and weather warfare. In my view, it’s a time for action. And action greatly increases the need for integrity.
What is it President Trump keeps saying? Promises made, promises kept? I like that. How many of us can say that?
That’s integrity. In other words, reliability, count-on-ability. Our word is our bond.
In the tearing down of everything worthwhile, woke culture only had use for our word if our life depended on it, like in a drug deal gone sour. Otherwise life was easy, man. Loosen up.
The network TV program that just got cancelled is a good example of free speech abused. (2) Towards the end, it simply lacked integrity.
Melania Trump sleeps in a separate bed. She hates him. She hates Christmas. Where are we going with all this? More shocking and more shocking and more shocking. Without a shred of evidence. To what purpose? How is it benefiting us?
It isn’t. It’s increasing division.
Let’s just hope our children don’t end up trafficked, in a cage, and wired for adrenochrome. Milk-carton kids. Elevator children. Highway of Death girls – all of them who survive, hoping we have not forgotten them.
Their release and restoration via med beds (as is happening now with survivors) will be a day for rejoicing.
I don’t want to preach. But I do know that my co-creative partner on the other side wants me to be saying this. I can feel it and he’s told me so:
Archangel Michael: If everybody keeps quiet about what they know, you aren’t going anywhere. And you have no difficulty in doing this as a scribe, as a writer.
But there is this reticence. … Think of it. You are making a public announcement. You understand from Arcturus and elsewhere, the power of sound and what is truly included and encompassed in sound, which is energy and light and love and truth. So you are reticent to be the clarion call.
Steve: Yes, that’s true.
AAM: Let it go. (3)
It’s been work for me, from a number of angles, to let it go. But, after LaHaina, Hurricane Helene, and the LA fires, I have … definitely … definitely let it go.
I don’t care how I look any more and I don’t care what people think or say. I am draining my own swamp inside and then pressing on to drain the swamp outside.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)
(1) On questions of free speech and censorship, see:
- “Ensuring Human Rights Means Enforcing Limits,” November 22, 2023, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2023/11/22/ensuring-human-rights-means-enforcing-limits/.
- “We’re Not Conservatives and We Do Censor,” January 30, 2025, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2025/01/30/were-not-conservatives-and-we-do-censor/
- “It Isn’t That We Don’t Censor….,” September 10, 2024, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2024/09/10/it-isnt-that-we-dont-censor/.
- “Freedom has Limits; or, Looking to Go Another Way,” March 13, 2024, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2024/03/13/352792/
(2) Their freedom to speak stopped where it defamed another. Hate speech is a good example of something we don’t allow.
(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.
(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
We need to restore our integrity as a society as well, if you’d allow me to say it. We’re a society of individual people all of whom may need to do a reality check and “true up” if we’re out-of-integrity to begin with.
Never mind blame and shame. They’re optional. Just do it. We’re in a war and losing people.
To be successful, in my opinion, we first need to acknowledge to ourselves, if it’s the case, that we generally don’t pay attention to integrity. The deep state has been doing all it can to erode integrity – trafficking adrenochrome and fentayl, pushing rap music to fill prisons for profit, (1) lowering discussion standards, fueling unfulfilled sexual/sensual desires, fueling all manner of divisions, creating cancel culture, censoring protest, corrupting the police and court… OK, I’ll stop.
And believe me, I know the role automation played in making the worker obsolete with no help from the government. that caused widespread poverty and hopelessness. It set a trend of shedding workers without appropriate compensation that has prevailed ever since. To be replaced by drugs and video games. But no support. (2)
We were discussing this in the 1990s to a public that was enamored of the new computer with its video games. (3) No one seemed to want to listen.
G/NESARA will soon be coming. Now that’s my idea of not only helping those made obsolete by automation but outright sharing its fruits. That to me has integrity; not sharing the fruits does not.
Trump AND his Team seem to me to be solid people, whom I’ll enjoy watching and listening to no matter what they do. They are indeed leaders that I find worth following.
But it’s the bigness of Trump, combined with his humanity and compassion, that ultimately attracts me. He has global vision and has already established himself on the world stage as a global leader. AND been accepted. (4)
When you combine that with promises made, promises kept, I’m on board. Does anyone here want four more years of what the world just went through?
From my own research of the afterlife and the higher dimensions, I don’t believe that we’ll escape having leaders, no matter what civilization we go to, what dimension, in this body or another.
That’d be so until the whole body of consciousness, the whole group consciousness becomes a monad (like Zingdad’s Adamu, Blossom’s Federation of Light, or Matthew Ward’s “everyone here at this station”), itself its own one leader. Of course, this is only my speculation….
Feet on the ground again, we need to restore the stability and solidness of our own word as individuals and as a society. We need to keep our word with others. We need to value integrity and support it when we see it around us. Etc.
I say this not only to lightworkers, but to patriots, truthers, anti-vaxxers, climate deniers, and everyone else who’s been manning the trenches and holding the torch. We’ve been called every kind of name. We’ve felt every kind of sorrow and loss and loneliness. But we’ve stayed honest and compassionate.
I don’t call us “tin hats” and “conspiracy theorists.” I call us heroes.
(1) See “The Secret Meeting that Changed Rap Music and Destroyed a Generation (Repost),”
(2) On the impact of automation in the 1990s, see:
- “If This is Your Job, Watch Out! (1998),”
- “The Disappearance of Work: Automation and North America in the Eighties and the Nineties,” at https://tinyurl.com/r6uvrf9m
I apologize for the crude format of the database. Apparently our format is no longer fully serviced and we’re awaiting the Reval to redesign it. Or even fix it.
(3) At 4 o’clock, the company seemed to shut down and everyone, with their computers facing away from others, appeared to be busy playing a video game. No one wanted to hear about automation and worker obsolescence in those days, not even the President of the BC Federation of Labour, whom I wrote.
(4) President Trump circled the world in 2017 carrying dossiers outlining the crimes of powerful deep state leaders. He won the allegiance of many to drain the swamp. Others were tried for treason and serious human rights abuses.
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.
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February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
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