Saturday, March 8, 2025

Alignment Manifesting

Alignment Manifesting

Master Kuthumi

Channel: Natalie Glasson


Posted on March 8, 2025

Greetings, beloved beings of love, I am Master Kuthumi.

Welcome to this era of manifestation – a powerful boost that supports you in understanding, with greater conscious awareness, how to manifest; how to bring your dreams and desires – the reality you wish to experience – into your reality. And to also recognise the natural abilities of your being; the manifestation tools and skills that you use daily without even realising it.

As you build a greater understanding of who you are, as a being that can manifest, you are being in service.

When you understand how you naturally manifest, how to fine tune this and how to bring things into your reality, then you are a powerful being of service upon the earth, for every soul. You are an instigator of ascension. You are boosting the ascension process. You are uplifting the earth’s vibration. You are a teacher; you are able to guide, support and uplift others.

Once you understand, fully and consciously, how to manifest, you can manifest and begin to manifest the truth of the earth; the goals/dreams of Mother Earth, and the ascension process.

You can support others in accessing this wave/level of enlightenment, for it is a level of enlightenment. It is a level of mastery; becoming an ascended master.

With this understanding of manifesting that is growing/blossoming within your being, the Creator/Mother Earth will share with you templates of wisdom, knowledge and of things to be manifested upon the earth. They will gift these to you so that you may manifest it, to share with others upon the earth, to support and to build the earth’s ascension.

With the understanding of manifestation, and this enlightenment level, you allow yourself to be of service to all; you become a vital and important part of the earth’s ascension.

This is essentially what an ascended master does on the inner planes. We are given the blueprints/templates/goals and aspirations of Mother Earth and of the Creator, of all souls upon the earth and we manifest them.

We support the manifestation process. We manifest them energetically and then we support those on the earth in bringing the manifestation through their channel, and through their physical expression and understanding, therefore anchoring it into the earth.

We can see that there is a very powerful ascension shift taking place, and that many are stepping up in their level of ascension, accessing enlightenment.

Something that I, Master Kuthumi, wish to speak about with you today is alignment manifesting.

This is about attuning yourself to the right vibrations in order to manifest your dreams/goals/desires; all that which has been given to you as a blueprint, from your soul, the Creator and from Mother Earth.

Alignment manifesting is simply aligning yourself with energy vibrations to support your manifestation.

As you can understand, there are numerous energies with which you can align yourself. You can even align yourself with the purest vibration of manifestation from the Creator, which is a very powerful experience and will kick-start your manifestation process, allowing you to embody the pure vibrations of manifestation.

You can also align yourself to the aspect of your soul that is in alignment or is wishing to support, or is the energy that will come forth once your dream/desire/goal is manifested. You can align yourself with that aspect of your soul.

You can also align yourself with your Soul Group’s energy of manifestation, or your Soul Group’s energy of that which you are manifesting.

You can call upon ascended masters to support you in manifesting.

Ascended masters are particularly powerful in the manifestation process because they have existed upon the earth. They understand the physical manifestation process and the energetic manifestation process on the inner planes. They are therefore able to create a bridge between these energies, supporting both energetic and physical manifestation.

You can call forth ascended masters, maybe your favorite ascended masters or ones with which you feel aligned, or you can simply call forth ascended masters that are aligned with what you are trying to manifest. You can ask that you are aligned with these ascended masters.

You can also align yourself with Mother Earth. Mother Earth, again, is very powerful. She is in all realities; she’s in the physical reality and the energetic realities.

She has a very powerful mission to support you. In the same way the Creator loves and supports you, Mother Earth loves and supports you, especially if your goal/dream is aligned with nature, supporting Mother Earth/humanity/ascension, she will especially support you, but even if it is not, Mother Earth loves you unconditionally and she will support you in whatever you wish to manifest. So you can ask to align with her energies as well.

You can also ask for specific energies such as aligning with Mother’s Earth’s manifestation energies, or an energy that is aligned with that which you wish to manifest.

Creating these alignments needs only an intention – a request, almost like a prayer – and the alignment will take place. What will then occur is that your body will go through a process of embodying the alignment.

This might mean that you feel more energised, or it might mean that there is a cleansing process that occurs in order to shift your being into alignment. Then you can allow yourself to sit/walk/simply acknowledge, or even meditate, in that alignment that you’ve created.

Each day you can create a different alignment until you have three or four alignments that are connected to that manifestation. Once you have created that, you can then align or synthesise these alignments so that you create one powerful alignment that supports manifestation of your dream/goal/desire. That manifestation alignment might contain the energy of pure manifestation from the Creator, of certain ascended masters, of Mother Earth.

It can contain anything, but all these energies will synthesise and create a very powerful alignment which you can then connect with daily. It becomes your personal alignment for manifesting. You can allow the energy to flow through your being and into the earth, into your surroundings, and you can visualise/imagine yourself experiencing that which you wish to manifest.

This creates a very powerful surge of energy for manifesting. It also means that you are embodying what is needed; you are becoming the anchor for what is needed to manifest – whatever you wish to manifest.

It creates a cleansing process. It creates an upliftment. It creates a journey, and an understanding that really supports you and shifts you into new perspectives, and into an awareness where you are more able to open your mind and open your heart to receive your manifestation.

This often can be one of the most challenging aspects of manifestation.

Many people create so much energy and impetus and they anchor the vibration, and when it’s just about to manifest, they fail to accept it. Maybe because it doesn’t appear quite as they imagined or maybe they are blind to it because they are looking for something else or, maybe they feel undeserving of the manifestation.

There can be multiple reasons, all at the same time. Receiving this alignment that you have created is immensely important. It’s like a lesson in receiving, for, when the manifestation is anchoring and coming into the physical reality, you are more capable of receiving it.

One more alignment that may serve you is the alignment that you already have/what you seek. The aspect of yourself that you already have manifested that has experienced your goals and dreams; you can align with that aspect of yourself as well.

The ascension wave at this time is all about manifestation, so it is important to notice what you are manifesting and to increase your conscious awareness around the process of manifestation.

I thank you for being present with me today.

My love is with you always.

I am Master Kuthumi, and I thank you.

Natalie Glasson

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

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