The war on the Earth’s Subtle Plane, which Disclosure News constantly mentions, is not only against NAA and Darks, but also between the egregores of different countries, which are going through hard times today. A particularly fierce struggle for influence and survival continues between two Anglo-Saxon “cousins”, the British and American collective energy entities. Both are in a dilapidated state, both are very aggressive towards each other and other peers in all States where two geopolitical interests collide.
The reasons are historical. Since the early days of U.S. independence from the British Crown, the latter thought any means to weaken and restore the rule over its former colony. The best tools were, first, slave trade, then, immigration waves and ethnic diasporas that diluted the legacy of Founding Fathers, transforming the Republic (established in 1787) into private trust ran by the City and Vatican as proxy owners (1871), igniting the financial crises and dragging the US Corp. in endless wars abroad.
Founding Fathers
Thus, the steered by the City the stock exchange panic in 1907 paved the path to set up the privately-owned Federal Reserve under the guise of an alleged State Central Bank, which started printing money from air and build the debt Ponzi pyramid in the national scale. In response, the Washington Naval Treaty (1922) followed, under which Britain had to relinquish its status as Queen of the Seas in favor of the United States. The latter also hatched War Plan Red, also known as the Atlantic Strategic War Plan, for the period of the 1920s-1930s, to invade Britain via Canada. In retaliation for it, the Crown staged the financial crisis and Great Depression of 1929-1933 in the United States.
As reply to Roosevelt’s New Deal, the London’s Fabians launched the Nazi Project in Germany and the US. In return, the powerful American lobby rearmed the Hitler’s Wehrmacht that nearly landed in the British Isles. For the rescue at Dunkirk in May 1940 and in the WWII, the UK, from 1948 to 1971, had to open for American Macks the Knife and Russian Bears its colonies, which became formally independent. In reverse, Washington was lures into Vietnam War, in which the US Army lost influence both at home and abroad, then followed Iraq, then Afghanistan, and at last, Ukraine. Yes, all these events had many other economic and geopolitical causes, participating countries and actors with their own interests. But in majority cases, the trigger was the struggle for the survival between the two Anglo-Saxon egregores.
DNI can endlessly describe their exchanges of blows from then until today. They have become even more hidden and sophisticated, but leave many traces and marks in the mental field. The picture they create is constantly changing from whitish and barely noticeable desires and intentions to the dark energies of ready-made actions. For survival, the British egregore, as always, seeks to be proactive, using others’ forces and means, formally remaining friendly and neutral to its overseas peer. But it continues to undermine it from within with the help of a huge concealed arsenal – from financial oligarchs, freemasons, national minorities and their mafia to BLM and LGBT; from the masses of Welfare and USAID addicts and other corrupt Government structures to the runaway debt ceilings and spending programs that syphon out the vitality of the US egregore.
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Today, America’s total domestic and foreign liabilities are four times its GDP ($28.78 trillion in 2024). Annual interest payments on the national debt exceeded $1 trillion. $350 billion was thrown away and stolen during the war in Ukraine. The Pentagon’s accounting black hole has grown to $35 trillion. If we add to this the losses from sanctions and lost profits, the losses amount to trillions of dollars. These losses are also covered by the printing of unsecured money.
According to Roman Trust Law, tangible assets are needed to back an “amero” or a pool of digital currencies. That’s how the idea was born to annex Canada, Mexico, the Panama Canal and Greenland, and get out of the war in Ukraine. But these are the spheres of influence of the British egregore, its backyard, where the older Anglo-Saxon “cousin” feels like the master and is ready to punish an “annoying and loser relative”.
For 100 Years
With particular cunning, through its Kiev proxy, London offered the US Administration to continue participating in the Ukrainian war in exchange for local assets. These are the same agricultural lands and ore deposits, pipelines and gas storage facilities, ports and airfields, nuclear power plants and other infrastructure that the British Big Brother received for 100 years under the partnership agreement signed in Kiev two months earlier. For decades, this guarantees trials with anti-American results.
But that’s not all. Judging by the traces in the mental field, the British egregore, through minions on the surface, is ready to go even further. In response to the White House’s plans to annex Greenland, the UK proposed that Denmark deploy several military bases on the western and southwestern parts of this island. Another base is possible in the west of Iceland. This will allow full control over the exit of all vessels from the Norwegian Sea to the Atlantic Ocean, which will cruise along the Northern Sea Route when the ice melts and shipping reaches the required volume of cargo transportation.
On a Subtle Level, it was clearly visible that during the negotiations on the defense of Greenland, Denmark behaved very confused and did not want to confront Trump, referring to the fact that it could not finance these projects. The British promised to bear the bulk of the costs, including the full provision of their troops on the island. Denmark dutifully agreed, although didn’t like the whole matter.
Eastern Mediterranean And The Middle East
In order to further weaken the American egregore economically, its British adversary wants to draw the US into extremely costly and losing wars in the Middle East, pitting it against Turkey, which wants to absorb most of Syria and get cheap energy resources by seizing oil and gas wells. During secret negotiations with the Turkish security forces, the British promised to provide them with intelligence data on Syria, terrorist groups and the movement of military supplies from America. Escalation by Ankara will force Israel to start a war with it. The UK will involve military groups from Libya in this confrontation.
In the mental field, it is seen how British submarines will pull up to the shores of Syria and will leak all information about the coordinates of all military vessels to the Turkish command. Moreover, from an underwater position, British submarines will launch torpedoes at large American ships, and 2 or 3 will be sunk. At the same time, British representatives at military bases in Greece will look with honest eyes at their American colleagues, demonstrating that they have nothing to do with it.
All that IS NOT YET the actions, but ONLY thoughts, half-baked ideas and drafts for possible implementations. They are automatically imprinted and constantly renewed in the mental layers, and are very telling. As Disclosure News wrote, in this way, on the Subtle Plane, timelines are continuously forming, which may materialize into events or not due to other timelines. It is enough to focus on what has been discussed and weighed, and then images of developments will emerge, where the main mental energy flows on the planet.
If the energy condenses, as if compressed from all sides, and even dark gray colors appear above the surface, it means that the egregore begins to escalate the situation, which becomes dangerous for this territory. To understand how much the concentration of military forces and the places of its maximum presence have increased, it is necessary to divide the image into temporary layers. The top three show where the attention of a particular egregore is concentrated.
Where Mental Energy Flows
New mental pellicles are constantly being put on the Subtle Plan that consists of many “floors”. For example, the data of individual days are combined into a weekly one, forming their own tape. Those, in turn, are combined into a monthly layer and so on. It is difficult and time-consuming to disconnect them, and it is easier to divide into time segments. A stack consisting of transparent sheets rises above the three-dimensional map of space. They need to be disconnected to separate the top three pages, as they contain the most up-to-date info.
At first, when focusing on them, one can’t see anything. Then, the built-in program starts to thicken the image, and ports, cities, roads, and cargo movement are already visible. When comparing the top image with the bottom sheet, you can evaluate the changes over a certain period of time. Trace the origin and deployment of processes, and reveal who started them and when.
These days, the entire Europe and the Middle East, a number of Asian and African countries are covered with ominous black energy. Sensitives and clairvoyants not only see its blobs, but also easily read the goals and plans of the behind-the-scenes masterminds and their intentions in each case. All of them come down to only one thing – the preservation of power. And if the war is the only thing left for the survival of the egregores, then they will push their minions to another knifing. Evil destroys evil. It’s invisible, but it happens because this is the Law of One.
Enf of part 1, part 2 below/
Part 2
In this case, the other egregore will rule Brits. Of course, this is not a one-time, but a very long process, since parts of the collective consciousness continuously saturates this entity on the Subtle Plan with own vital energy, and not only in the UK, its dominions and former colonies, but also in the United States, with which it fiercely fights now (see – Knifing, Part 1, 7 March 2025 or above).
The ties between the British egregore and the Democratic Party in the USA are particularly strong. Labor Party is a clone of the latter and actively supported it along with the Conservatives against Trump and Republicans during the last presidential election in 2024. They don’t give up hopes of weakening America and dragging it deeper into the wars in Ukraine, the Middle East and other conflict zones.
Failed to conclude a general trade treaty with the United States, London started signing separate agreements with Texas, California, Indiana and Tennessee, hoping to bring the country’s disintegration into separate states closer. In the northeast, New England remains the historical stronghold of the Crown. On all electoral maps, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Rhode Island look like a “blue fortress” that has a long border with the most populated areas of Canada.
This is another goal of the Trump Administration’s planned customs strikes on Canada, in addition to annexing it to back “amero” and reserve of digital currencies. By forcing Justin Trudeau to promise retaliatory tariffs and duties, Republicans have placed a powerful mine under Democrats in their heartlands in the northeastern states.
This will lead to a sharp jump in domestic prices and the impending massive ruin of the entire business in New England. Furthermore, it will be done by the hands of Canadians. Formally, this was about simultaneous suctions against Mexico and Canada. However, along the Mexican border, there are Republicans’ “red states”, while near Canada, are the Dems’ “blue” strongholds. If Trump finds common ground with Mexico City, Reps will not see any problems in the south, but in the northeast, for the American voters, Canada and the UK will be blamed for everything.
This means that the weight of Canadian retaliatory sanctions will put pressure on the population of New England, since, logistically, the bulk of goods arrives there from Canada. At the first stage, Ottawa may impose a 25% duty on American export worth about $20.6 billion. At the second stage, the duties could raise up to $86.28, including on cars, trucks, steel and aluminum. In the bordering states, this will cause an increase in discontent, fatal for the Democrats’ sub-egregore and the two bigger ones – of Canada and the UK.
In the first case, the Dems’ elite of New England could revolt, and Trump and the Republican Administration would stage a total decimation in these states, to the roar of approval from the rest of the American constituents. The Democratic Party’s base electorate, which makes up the absolute majority in this region, will be physically beaten out with the stigma of “enemy of the people” and all talk about the Deep State and the influence of the “blues” in the United States would end immediately and forever.
In the second case, local dissatisfaction with the tariffs that Ottawa will impose on American goods will lead to an increase in anti-Canadian sentiment. This may revive the 1920s’ War Plan Red (the Atlantic Strategic War Plan) to invade Canada (see – Part 1). And since all of the Dems’ elites in New England were known for their pro-Ukrainian activity, both will be banned as anti-government. In January 2025, the US has already suspended accepting applications for participation in the United for Ukraine (U4U) program. And in April, about 240 thousand Ukrainians could lose their legal status as a part of the fight against illegal migration.
In the third case, the Democratic elite will be afraid to do anything about Ottawa and Trump, but Canadian tariffs and duties will continue to have their destructive effect. The population of New England, fearing impending ruin and poverty, will begin to flee from the area. Local voters will blame their Dems’ bosses for everything, and the regional electoral map will become “red” on its own. Moreover, these events will occur by the next by-election to Congress, that is, in two years the sub-egregore of the “red tsunami” could flood America.
To summarize, option 3 offers the possibility for Democrats to die slowly and painfully; option 2 offers Dems the possibility of dying in disgrace without confiscation; and option 1 offers them the chance to turn the whole United States into a hell and be cursed by Americans forever.
Trudeau has done a perfect service for Republicans. And if he suddenly escapes from this trap, his Liberal Party will be buried by Chrystia Freeland’s hands and the Ukrainian diaspora at the October parliamentary elections. Recall that her grandfather collaborated with Nazis, she considers Americans to be predators, and the US President – the biggest threat to Canada since World War II.
All this not only gives Trump another great reason to “hunt Ukrainian witches” from the Democratic Party in the United States, but it will also help to write off the effects of the coming recession on Canadians and “vile Britain,” since both are doing everything for this. This is how it works on the surface now, reflecting the ongoing war between American and British egregores on a Subtle Plane.
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