Sunday, March 16, 2025

Walk in Beauty and Live in Trust

Walk in Beauty and Live in Trust

Archangel Gabriel, and Shanta Gabriel

Posted on March 16, 2025 

Near sunset at Sete Cidades volcanic crater; PD, Portugal

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of #46 of The Gabriel Messages Book to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel inspires us to remember that there is a more graceful way to live in this changing world.

Walk in Beauty, Live in Trust and Know the Benevolent Love of God Guides Your Way.

It has been a long road stretching from the time I first received this message from Archangel Gabriel in 1995 to making this message into my way of life.

I was going to teach my first class in another state and was nervous about the prospect ahead of me. At that time, and even now in certain situations, it is difficult to admit in public that I have been listening to an Archangel speak to me. When I asked what it was I needed to remember most about the upcoming journey, I received this message. It remains one of my favorites to this day.

When I remember to walk in Beauty, it means to honor the gifts of this amazing Earth and see that Beauty is everywhere I look. It is all in the perspective of the eyes with which I see the world. When I walk in Beauty, I feel blessed and radiate this beautiful blessing all around me. This raises my vibrational frequency enough so that I attract even more Beauty into my life.

Beauty is one of those words that has gained power since we have moved into the 4th and 5th dimensions after 2012. Just asking to see Beauty is a powerful prayer. When I create Beauty in my immediate surroundings, it never fails to uplift me. I can do this by the simple act of bringing one flower into my home. We need Beauty in our lives to feel more whole, and it helps us to live in Well-being as we learn to shift in these new frequencies.

Living in Trust has been more of a challenge for me. Sometimes it means that I need to stay neutral in the face of what appears to be happening in front of my eyes and rely on the truth of my heart. The appearance of disharmony is not the true reality when the Infinite Intelligence is involved, and since this divine aspect is always a part of everything, we can trust that what we see is only an appearance.

Living in Trust also means that I need to love and trust myself more and remember that I am not alone, that I am guided and inspired in every moment. There are times when I need to ask for proof of this fact. I have asked for signs when I really needed to know that I was being guided and that my small self was not making the plans. That has created amazing results.

At a pivotal time in my life in 1999, I felt that I was being guided to take some radical steps. I had prayed very deeply and felt as though I received clear instructions that even included the date. Before implementing this plan, I asked for a sign to make sure that it was coming from a pure place of Wisdom, and not my mind. To my amazement, in less than a minute I was covered in butterflies. Hundreds of beautiful winged beings were landing on me, wandering over my arms, chest and head. I was stunned and stood in awe at the power of Beauty in that moment. Shortly, they were gone, with no evidence that they had even been there.

Would you have trusted that a flock of butterflies was enough evidence to be sure of your decision? I wanted to do that, I really did, but still that little voice in me doubted. I told the Universe, "That was really good, but I just need one more sign to make sure." In Its infinite compassion, the blessings of the Divine continued, because in that moment a yellow butterfly and two blue butterflies landed in a little puddle right at my feet. I have never seen a blue butterfly before or since that time, but there were two amazing blue ones and a pretty yellow butterfly right at my feet where I would take the first step into new life. I had to surrender.

Living in Trust in that situation was not easy, nor was the outcome of that decision. Now more than 20 years later I can remember the importance of asking for a sign, and see how perfect it was for me to follow that guidance, no matter how difficult it was to do. The happiness in my life now more than makes up for the upheaval that decision created at the time.

We are given beautiful messages from the Divine to change the way we perceive our lives and the world. Often they seem so simple, even simplistic and hard to believe. Only the test of time has made it possible for me to know that when I trust in myself and the Angelic energy working through me, miracles are commonplace and life takes on a Beauty that keeps me inspired with a sense of wonder.

When this happens, there is no doubt anywhere in my being that the benevolent love of God guides my way. I feel the presence of Angels and know that I am truly cared for in every moment. You too have this Grace in your life.

Shanta Gabriel

March 16, 2025

Here is my prayer for today:

Divine Presence,

With every breath I take, may I remember that I AM a beloved child of the benevolent and creative Source of All That Is. Help me to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I AM blessed and loved beyond my capacity to understand.

May all humanity trust in the beautiful, unfolding process of Life. May we know that all our needs are met with Grace and Ease, and we are truly cared for eternally.

May Beauty and Trust bless the heart of all beings in the world. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
March 16, 2025

The Gabriel Message #45

Walk in Beauty, live in Trust, and know the benevolent Love of God guides your way.

Dear One,

These words clarify the way to a carefree, joy-filled and peaceful life. Walking in Beauty means to look at all you see with your heart and mind. This might mean to see beyond the surface appearance of disharmony and know there is perfection and beauty within a situation. There is beauty all around you and sometimes it takes a prayer such as “let me see the beauty here, Angels,” to make this apparent.

Walking in Beauty also means to allow the awareness that there is beauty in this world to bubble to the surface, so you can be conscious of the great beauty of God’s creation. One flower holds as much of the key to universal knowledge as does a whole field of flowers.

Do all you can to be aware of the beauty around you and to bring more beauty into your world. Bringing that one flower into your home can brighten the day, as the spiritual essence in that flower permeates your world. Look for beauty every day and be grateful for all that you find.

Living in Trust means that deep within there is an inner knowing that you are never alone, and that the Angels are working for you in your life. As you give your life to God and pray that Divine will be done, you can trust in the appropriate outworking in every situation for the highest good of all concerned. Living in Trust means accepting what is apparent in your life, and making a claim for the Divine Order inherent in every situation. Living in Trust allows the Angels to comfort and inspire you so you can receive support in every area of your life.

When you know the benevolent love of God guides your way, there is a beacon of light to follow. This love is the most powerful force for good in the universe. This love creates Peace and Harmony in the heart and soul of each person who remembers. Allow Faith in this statement to permeate every cell of your being. You are always guided by God’s love and you are never alone. You can call on this love at any time and know truly it is there for you.

So allow this message from Archangel Gabriel to become your way of life. Being willing to believe will create more Love, Joy and Peace for you in every way.

Again dear one we say to you:

Walk in Beauty, live in Trust and know the benevolent Love of God guides your way.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
March 16, 2025
copyright: Shanta Gabriel 2024


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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