Friday, March 7, 2025

When, and How Are The Arcturians Coming?

When, and How Are The Arcturians Coming?

The 9D Arcturian Council 

Channel Daniel Scranton

Posted on March 7, 2025

We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We are quite aware of your reactions to our recent transmission about how we are coming to you, coming to Earth, and we know that some clarification is required. First of all, you want to know how, and you also want to know when. We have already been coming through Daniel here and others, energetically, and have been providing you with messages. You can start to receive the energy directly without needing him, and you can start getting your own messages directly as well.

You have had that ability, and not everyone has utilized that ability, but now you’re going to get more help from us in opening up to us energetically so that you can receive the messages as well. Now, you also may be wondering how we would appear in physical form when we do not have physical form to take. We can lower our vibration enough to create a type of holographic rendering of what we once looked like in physical form and appear to you anywhere at any time, seemingly standing right in front of you. It will be a projection of our consciousness, but you will still get to interact with us and that energy that comprises the quasi-physical body will still be real energy.

Now, you are all unique individuals, and so you all have different timetables that will determine when the best time is for these contact experiences to occur. You also have different levels of readiness, and some of you are ready for the more nonphysical connection and communication, while others would be ready for the holographic, humanoid-body-looking experience. You may also want to know how you can ready yourselves for these experiences and more. The answer is quite simple. Take care of yourselves. Take care of yourselves physically, emotionally, psychologically, and energetically.

Do your work on yourself that you know you need to do by clearing those stuck emotions, releasing those old limiting beliefs, and letting go of those negative thoughts. Put yourselves in places that will naturally raise your vibration, like out in nature or with your animal friends. Put yourself in water, immerse yourself, and allow the connections to occur. Don’t get impatient. Don’t wonder what is wrong if it’s not happening for you right away.

Remember that this is a journey, and it is a journey of many steps, and you will all meet Arcturians at some time. Also, open yourselves up to the possibility that you will meet someone else first, like a Pleiadian, like a member of the Yahyel race, one of your own hybrid children perhaps. We are not the only game in town, but we have had a hands off approach to humanity for a long time. And in recent years, we have been getting closer and closer to having more and more contact with you because you want it and because it’s needed.

Relax. Trust in the perfect divine timing, and at times focus on receiving a transmission of purple energy from our red giant known as Arcturus and/or meditate on a purple merkaba with the top half spinning clockwise and the bottom half spinning counterclockwise. We will see you soon.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

Daniel Scranton

My notes: 

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