Alignment Manifesting
Master Kuthumi
Channel: Natalie Glasson
Posted on March 8, 2025
Natalie Glasson
Searching for Truth... And the Truth Shall Set Us Free!... Confidence in ourselves, and inner intuition.
Natalie Glasson
Posted on March 8, 2025
Today I cover the truth about vaccines as infertility and depopulation bioweapons, and I reveal solutions for how to protect yourself from vax shedders and other environmental toxins.
Plus, we have two new book videos, more special reports and a brand new interview with Michael Yon about world events, covering everything from Russia and Ukraine to Panama and the Middle East.
Find it all in today's Brighteon Broadcast News here.
Posted on March 8, 2025
Hi Everyone. Firstly to let you know I am safe. The cyclone has not hit land yet, and has dropped significantly. Expecting a lot of rain and wind, yet otherwise all ok. Some folk not as fortunate as me and many out of power and homes damaged. Please send Love.
Here is the latest Chat and channel from myself, White Cloud and the Federation of Light. Many thanks. |
Blossom Goodchild
March 8, 2025
My dearest brothers and sisters,
This is Tunia speaking. I love you so very much.
There are famous Ra channelings, called the Law of One or the Ra material.
In it, a distinction is made between the "service to self" path and the "service to others" path.
The service to self path basically means being evil, and the service to self path basically means being good. However, it is pointed out that both paths are valid from a high enough perspective. After all, all roads lead back to Source, and ultimately we're reincarnating immortal souls. So the true us isn't being harmed if some service-to-self person harms our lower self.
Now, higher perspectives should not invalidate lower perspectives. So while on one hand it is good to acknowledge that the service to self path is valid, it is also perfectly understandable to not like people who are doing horrendous harm, and want to see them stopped. Both perspectives have merit.
I think all of this makes sense, except that I don't like the term "service to others." And that is the new information I wish to contribute today.
First, "service to others" makes it sound like sacrificing yourself for the benefit of others is the right thing to do. It's really not: putting yourself below others, or assigning less value to yourself than you assign to others, isn't unity consciousness. The proper thing to do is to actually serve yourself a bit (in a non-destructive way) and to serve others a bit. Because after all, you can't give from an empty cup.
And second, it's sort of separation consciousness to label people who aren't you as "others." From a unity consciousness perspective, those so-called others are in fact a part of you. They're not really other.
So personally I would name the good path as the "service to all" path, because then the self is included. And the evil path is still the "service to self" path.
Or alternatively, one could call the good path the "unity" path and call the evil path the "separation" path. And walking those paths reinforce either unity consciousness or separation consciousness.
This reflects that good people often see others as part of themselves to a degree, and so are motivated to help them in the same way that you are motivated to help your own arm if it is wounded. So a person on the "unity" path might help others just because those others are part of them. And that is perfectly fine.
Meanwhile evil people often see themselves as completely separate from others, which means that harming others isn't a big deal, and furthermore you can't rely on others which means that you are the only one who can make sure that you are okay. Hence stepping over other people to get what you want is the proper thing to do.
Another benefit is that this correctly indicates that the separation path is actually harder and more painful in the medium term than the unity path is.
So in summary: I personally prefer talking about either "service to all" versus "service to self", or talking about the "unity" path versus the "separation" path.
What do you think? Or do you have suggestions for other names? Feel free to leave comments. I would love to read your thoughts.
With all my love,
Your star sister,
Wow! Michael just showed me again how all this is going to happen – I think! And how easy it can all be.
The Reval approaches and I’m sitting here thinking.
Michael wants me to hire the President of the Michaelangelo Fund first so that she (1) can set up the various channels of distribution that we’ll need – inside the fund and outside, through cooperation – while I’m expanding the Golden Age of Gaia.
However, while we’re on the subject, GAoG is not going to get glitzy. Forget it. Low key with an accent on the value of the information “selling it” rather than bells and whistles. And always free.
So here I am, walking around everywhere thinking about it and there’s a knock on my door. And a political candidate shows up who asks me what I’d like to see in the City of Vancouver. Ding! (Keep in mind that the Michaelangelo Fund starts and gets its feet wet with the City of Vancouver.)
Lightbulb moment!
OK, OK, so maybe nothing pans out. But it sure woke me up as to how easily Michael can arrange things like meetings. And he’s told me about this in the past!!!! Not hard for him.
Every time something like that happens, it deepens my trust in Michael and Co. (“Co” because, as he says, “I have a few souls that help me out now and then.”) (2)
I’ve listed all the miracles he’s done in my life, which list doesn’t include all the first days of the month I’m praying that the money downloads into my bank account in time. And it always does.
Heavy things becoming weightless, toxic substances rendered harmless, electrocution prevented, two housefires averted, etc. Every time another miracle happens, I feel stronger in relying on him (while keeping my wits about me!).
He says I handle this side (and he almost never overrules me – only with a housefire brewing) and he handles the other side. He says, and I think this is my favorite comment from him, that he’s my (and your) “wingman.” (3) I’m feeling more and more confident in leaving his side to him and focusing on mine.
Hey, this is open to anyone. Michael assures us:
Archangel Michael: Are we [archangels] in partnership with every being on the planet? Yes. But it is difficult when you are in a partnership and the other person does not realize it. So we are working with those who realize we are in partnership. And so that is why we are having these conversations. (4)
Open to anyone. I will never have to say that my life is boring.
So Michael has again given me an illustration of how easy it can be, in this case in planning my post-Reval activities, to meet (the right) people. (5)
(1) One of the purposes of the Michaelangelo Fund is to increase the opportunities for women to have boardroom-level experience in handling large budgets and managing international corporations.
(2) Aha! The truth is out! 🙂 Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 22, 2016. (Hereafter, AAM.)
(3) AAM: We step forward in the fulfilment, you on Earth, on this beloved planet called Gaia, I as your wingman, quite literally. (AAM, March 10, 2017.) Ha ha ha.
(4) “Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values, Part 2/2, ” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 16, 2013, at
(5) For an introvert, this is a big deal!
Posted on March 7, 2025
Posted on March 7, 2025