Saturday, March 8, 2025

Alignment Manifesting

Alignment Manifesting

Master Kuthumi

Channel: Natalie Glasson


Posted on March 8, 2025

Greetings, beloved beings of love, I am Master Kuthumi.

Welcome to this era of manifestation – a powerful boost that supports you in understanding, with greater conscious awareness, how to manifest; how to bring your dreams and desires – the reality you wish to experience – into your reality. And to also recognise the natural abilities of your being; the manifestation tools and skills that you use daily without even realising it.

As you build a greater understanding of who you are, as a being that can manifest, you are being in service.

When you understand how you naturally manifest, how to fine tune this and how to bring things into your reality, then you are a powerful being of service upon the earth, for every soul. You are an instigator of ascension. You are boosting the ascension process. You are uplifting the earth’s vibration. You are a teacher; you are able to guide, support and uplift others.

Once you understand, fully and consciously, how to manifest, you can manifest and begin to manifest the truth of the earth; the goals/dreams of Mother Earth, and the ascension process.

You can support others in accessing this wave/level of enlightenment, for it is a level of enlightenment. It is a level of mastery; becoming an ascended master.

With this understanding of manifesting that is growing/blossoming within your being, the Creator/Mother Earth will share with you templates of wisdom, knowledge and of things to be manifested upon the earth. They will gift these to you so that you may manifest it, to share with others upon the earth, to support and to build the earth’s ascension.

With the understanding of manifestation, and this enlightenment level, you allow yourself to be of service to all; you become a vital and important part of the earth’s ascension.

This is essentially what an ascended master does on the inner planes. We are given the blueprints/templates/goals and aspirations of Mother Earth and of the Creator, of all souls upon the earth and we manifest them.

We support the manifestation process. We manifest them energetically and then we support those on the earth in bringing the manifestation through their channel, and through their physical expression and understanding, therefore anchoring it into the earth.

We can see that there is a very powerful ascension shift taking place, and that many are stepping up in their level of ascension, accessing enlightenment.

Something that I, Master Kuthumi, wish to speak about with you today is alignment manifesting.

This is about attuning yourself to the right vibrations in order to manifest your dreams/goals/desires; all that which has been given to you as a blueprint, from your soul, the Creator and from Mother Earth.

Alignment manifesting is simply aligning yourself with energy vibrations to support your manifestation.

As you can understand, there are numerous energies with which you can align yourself. You can even align yourself with the purest vibration of manifestation from the Creator, which is a very powerful experience and will kick-start your manifestation process, allowing you to embody the pure vibrations of manifestation.

You can also align yourself to the aspect of your soul that is in alignment or is wishing to support, or is the energy that will come forth once your dream/desire/goal is manifested. You can align yourself with that aspect of your soul.

You can also align yourself with your Soul Group’s energy of manifestation, or your Soul Group’s energy of that which you are manifesting.

You can call upon ascended masters to support you in manifesting.

Ascended masters are particularly powerful in the manifestation process because they have existed upon the earth. They understand the physical manifestation process and the energetic manifestation process on the inner planes. They are therefore able to create a bridge between these energies, supporting both energetic and physical manifestation.

You can call forth ascended masters, maybe your favorite ascended masters or ones with which you feel aligned, or you can simply call forth ascended masters that are aligned with what you are trying to manifest. You can ask that you are aligned with these ascended masters.

You can also align yourself with Mother Earth. Mother Earth, again, is very powerful. She is in all realities; she’s in the physical reality and the energetic realities.

She has a very powerful mission to support you. In the same way the Creator loves and supports you, Mother Earth loves and supports you, especially if your goal/dream is aligned with nature, supporting Mother Earth/humanity/ascension, she will especially support you, but even if it is not, Mother Earth loves you unconditionally and she will support you in whatever you wish to manifest. So you can ask to align with her energies as well.

You can also ask for specific energies such as aligning with Mother’s Earth’s manifestation energies, or an energy that is aligned with that which you wish to manifest.

Creating these alignments needs only an intention – a request, almost like a prayer – and the alignment will take place. What will then occur is that your body will go through a process of embodying the alignment.

This might mean that you feel more energised, or it might mean that there is a cleansing process that occurs in order to shift your being into alignment. Then you can allow yourself to sit/walk/simply acknowledge, or even meditate, in that alignment that you’ve created.

Each day you can create a different alignment until you have three or four alignments that are connected to that manifestation. Once you have created that, you can then align or synthesise these alignments so that you create one powerful alignment that supports manifestation of your dream/goal/desire. That manifestation alignment might contain the energy of pure manifestation from the Creator, of certain ascended masters, of Mother Earth.

It can contain anything, but all these energies will synthesise and create a very powerful alignment which you can then connect with daily. It becomes your personal alignment for manifesting. You can allow the energy to flow through your being and into the earth, into your surroundings, and you can visualise/imagine yourself experiencing that which you wish to manifest.

This creates a very powerful surge of energy for manifesting. It also means that you are embodying what is needed; you are becoming the anchor for what is needed to manifest – whatever you wish to manifest.

It creates a cleansing process. It creates an upliftment. It creates a journey, and an understanding that really supports you and shifts you into new perspectives, and into an awareness where you are more able to open your mind and open your heart to receive your manifestation.

This often can be one of the most challenging aspects of manifestation.

Many people create so much energy and impetus and they anchor the vibration, and when it’s just about to manifest, they fail to accept it. Maybe because it doesn’t appear quite as they imagined or maybe they are blind to it because they are looking for something else or, maybe they feel undeserving of the manifestation.

There can be multiple reasons, all at the same time. Receiving this alignment that you have created is immensely important. It’s like a lesson in receiving, for, when the manifestation is anchoring and coming into the physical reality, you are more capable of receiving it.

One more alignment that may serve you is the alignment that you already have/what you seek. The aspect of yourself that you already have manifested that has experienced your goals and dreams; you can align with that aspect of yourself as well.

The ascension wave at this time is all about manifestation, so it is important to notice what you are manifesting and to increase your conscious awareness around the process of manifestation.

I thank you for being present with me today.

My love is with you always.

I am Master Kuthumi, and I thank you.

Natalie Glasson

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Jabs confirmed to be sterilization weapons, here are the Health Ranger’s solutions to protect against vax shedders

Jabs confirmed to be sterilization weapons, here are the Health Ranger’s solutions to protect against vax shedders

By Mike Adams

Posted on March 8, 2025

Today I cover the truth about vaccines as infertility and depopulation bioweapons, and I reveal solutions for how to protect yourself from vax shedders and other environmental toxins.

Plus, we have two new book videos, more special reports and a brand new interview with Michael Yon about world events, covering everything from Russia and Ukraine to Panama and the Middle East.

Find it all in today's Brighteon Broadcast News here.

Mike Adams

White Cloud and The Federation of Light - video

White Cloud and

The Federation of Light 

(Video) Channel: Blossom Goodchild

Posted on March 8, 2025


Hi Everyone.

Firstly to let you know I am safe. The cyclone has not hit land yet, and has dropped significantly. Expecting a lot of rain and wind, yet otherwise all ok. Some folk not as fortunate as me and many out of power and homes damaged. Please send Love.


Here is the latest Chat and channel from myself, White Cloud and the Federation of Light. Many thanks.

Blossom Goodchild


Encouragement, and Guidance for These Times

Encouragement, and Guidance for These Times

Archangel Michael

Channel: Ailia Mira

March 8, 2025

Hey Beautiful Ones!

You're probably feeling it already. Below is a sweeping overview of what's in play, followed by a new channeling and at the bottom some offerings you can tap into if they speak to you.

We're currently experiencing a VERY powerful Venus Retrograde. A time in which what we TRULY care about and what the real priorities are, will come to light. (Not what we think we SHOULD care about but what we truly DO care about. Aka: no more faking it/or hiding).

March also includes an Eclipse Cycle beginning with the Full Moon and a Total Lunar Eclipse on March 13/14. The Equinox on Thursday March 20 -- YES we are doing a live EQUINOX event and you'll be invited soon... The Eclipse Cycle ends with a New Moon and a Partial Solar Eclipse on March 29.

AND on March 30, NEPTUNE leaves Pisces and enters Aries...bringing potentially a time of HUGE change and the rise of a new era. This energy will drive ACTION in a big way and individual responsibility. 

Today I called upon our Angelic friends and asked for an empowering and clarifying transmission to support me at this time. What follows is the channeling I received, and am sharing now with you.

Now that I've written this overview of the MARCH energies here, I can really feel them in this message from Michael... Enjoy!!


Encouragement, and Guidance for These Times

We are happy to connect and to chime in here to assist. Thank you for inviting us to do so.

First let go. Let go of any preconceived phrases or ideas. Empty your mind, on purpose.

Yes -- With your permission, we will now flush your mind and awareness, with light.

A huge part of what you are all going to discover now, and next, is your immense capacity to LOVE.

That will precede the full discovery of your Oneness. It will be an expression of it, but it will come first. 

And one of the thing that will help many of you to discover how incredibly loving you are, is ironically first and foremost the threats to things you love. For as you experience these threats you discover how much you care. 

Now -- we wish to be clear. The things you love are NOT being threatened by some non-physical force in order to stimulate this awareness, but rather by some human beings who have resisted evolution and are in profound states of disconnection and denial of who they truly are: infinite and eternal, One with All That Is; love.

So they’re threatening things you love so that they can harvest the resources they see as adding to their already significant money or assets or power, or all of that, and in doing so, threatening what you love.

Now, some non-dualistic teachers might say you are discovering “how attached you are,” but we’re not seeing it that way. 

We’re seeing how much you love aspects of your life experience, even if that loving was almost second nature at this point in so many ways.

That deep satisfaction you had in loving your life in the past included these things that are now being threatened, even though you were not specifically articulating them. 

And so as the things that you love are threatened it is awakening within you and others, your awareness of how precious this life is, in certain ways -- with regards to your nation or your way of life in America, for example and the many different elements that make that so.

And as this is threatened, it makes clear to you where you stand: you do not want these aspects of your experience to be destroyed. You do not want the expression of your nation, to regress, or go backwards in terms of human rights and care for the American people and others in the world who American helps. 

And so you are awakening to the depth of your love of harmony and peace and empathy and care. And even if it’s peace as in the absence of war, it’s still feels better to you than overt conflict and global tension and you can feel that, and it makes clear to you what you prefer.

You are clarifying what matters to you and becoming more conscious ... for as you feel what is being threatened, the way of life that was becoming more inclusive and how certain members of society want to take you back into the “dark ages,” know this: THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN. We can offer that reassurance... ultimately.

But you may experience a VERY VERY VERY bumpy and challenging time, collectively and individually, for a while. And there will be treasured aspects of your experience, and people harmed or lost, in this time, and there will be a need to rebuild and to reestablish even, the “guardrails” that protect your democracy and way of life in the future and also to put in place more clear ways to ensure that collective communication is clear and accurate and too -- and, that the spell bound are cared for, and there are many of them.

A huge part of what will happen next will include a big part of the American population either awakening from their numbness and feeling incredible shame and pain and disillusionment and anger and outrage as they do, or them deciding they are not willing to unravel the identity they formed during this experience of indoctrination and illusion, and glamours, and therefore, they will choose to leave the planet, or isolate themselves in hatred and fear of being found out. Some of them will attempt to hide.

Hiding will not work, for the energy is pushing everything to the surface that needs to be seen and reckoned with in order to feel and know the truth of being; the unity and interconnectedness of All Life.

And so one can choose to go there freely; or to be gradually pried by the energies themselves into letting go of the separation previously embraced; or to make a leap and pretend to be aligned with it and then gradually open within, in private, and meanwhile feel incredible pressure and instability, insecurity, while one does this. And more — there are many different ways people will and are choosing to live now.

But we do know that Oneness is shining through. It is teasing apart the illusions, the glamours, the misunderstandings that one holds that gives them the sense of complete separateness and that challenge to the ego may also drive those present in this way, to try even harder to gain control and we know this is already occurring.

There is no getting around this: the pain body, the entity-structure of separation, lack and limitation, the part of the human psyche that believes it isn’t powerful, isn’t connected, or believes it can chose ONLY for Itself that it is separate — all of these misunderstandings will be illuminated and will be unraveled. These ideas ARE illusions and for those even, who are very aligned with love, one can still sometimes see a misunderstanding present in the teachings —- that a human being can manifest for themselves regardless of others -- that is a misunderstanding.

EVERYTHING is a co-creation. EVERYTHING.

And all of that WILL COME TO LIGHT.

There is no way to feel stable and secure while denying the Infinite Oneness that is All. There just isn’t. Seeing life in separation, believing one can be a Lone Ranger? That is not sustainable.

Anyone choosing to put a stake in the ground with that will experience the tension of trying to hold that structure in place. As one persists in trying to operate in separation, they will feel battered energetically and will feel a inner and outer sense of instability, because nothing in the world that is REAL (infinite and eternal aka TRUTH) is supporting this: 

Oneness is the TRUE ULTIMATE reality. Interconnectedness is the true reality. Inclusion and love is the way forward. Aligned authentic expression and flow, is the way to be. And the way to play.

So yes, this year and next year and even the year after this are going to be quite rough for many. Rough for those like you whose hearts are breaking as the your country which feels like “your world” moves strongly and quickly in this seeming backslide-direction and rough too for those denying that they too are part of a collective wholeness.

We say “seeming backslide-direction” because again -- what is out of sync with interconnectedness must be brought into the light of awareness and seen for the misunderstanding that it is.

How much suffering will need to happen for those choosing to deny their Oneness with others? Each person is free to choose and to choose differently in any moment. So only time will tell. 

This is a world of your collective co-creation. No one here lives separate from others, and pretending they can and do, is also part of what will be brought to light. There are many people who firmly believe they are free to choose only for themselves and they believe that their choices have no meaning or impact on others, or the greater whole. This is a grave misunderstanding and many people will be shocked as their beliefs about this are unraveled.

So they too, will need love and support, and kindness and compassion as they come into clarity about who they truly are.

And so, the most important thing to practice, to do daily is follow your heart and remember what you have realized. Your heart is the MOST IMPORTANT aspect of this experience and as you are heart-centered, and open, you will discover that you are lovingly guided from within.

You will know what you know -- what’s true for you, what matters to you, what you need, what you can do, what you need do, what you might do next. You will have clarity.

As you stay connected to your heart and FEEL and choose not to shut down, or numb out (which is not the same as taking breaks, or ensuring balance so you thrive — those things are empowering)… Then you will see clearly. And yes — we suspect you will find the view challenging at times but your heart and your capacity to LOVE, increasingly unconditionally, will grow.

Yes some of what you see will initially be very challenging. But you will also understand more explicitly what you want, what matters to you, and from that you will together create; energetically and in the ways you live. 

As you allow yourself to witness this and stay in your heart, willing to feel love, willing to be a presence of love you are making room for the underlying Truth of this reality -- “Truth” with a capital “T” the eternal Truth of Love, of Oneness, of Wholeness, of All That Is, to be realized.

You’ll also be making room to see clearly and therefore be able to navigate well and for yourself and others who you love and care about -- you’ll know how to participate. What moves to make.

And so Ailia and friends -- that is our guidance and what we suggest. Stay open, be heart-centered and do what you love. Sleep well. Eat well. Having fun when youcan. Enjoy beauty and nature and the Oneness that is and LOVE and your own innate connections like this.

Enjoy everything you can enjoy and don’t look away from the shocking truth of how much insatiable greed is revealing itself to you now. How many have chosen “the false gods” and how unsatisfying those choices are compared to connection, and kindness and cooperation and the profound satisfaction of building something beautiful together, for All.

By seeing all of this you empower it to be transformed. We cannot emphasize this enough. There is something profound happening through your presence, which is empowering evolution and transformation.

By not looking away and continually returning to your heart. By choosing to love what you love and advocate for it, you hold higher ideals and visions -- ideals and visions aligned with the Infinite All That Is.

You know as you look at this drama how insane it is. You may not know exactly how it came to be, but you recognize misunderstanding and inner emptiness when you see it.

Your clarity is beneficial collectively and energetically. Discernment and seeing clearly is part of how Life becomes illuminated. It’s part of how consciousness evolves and it’s part of how the evolution of your world is happening.

Clarity arises as knowing.

Knowing is possible when in a state of coherence. When you are in order, in alignment with All That Is, you can be clear -- have clarity. It comes to you.

Let yourself see clearly, flow with inspired action and trust others to find their way.

In fact imagine yourself and everyone else finding their way and remembering who they truly are. And play your part in that collective evolution too, by imagining that ALL will find their way, and that when they do, each will feel fulfilled, will arise in joy and glory and know the fullness of their being here, too.

This IS what’s happening — the great awakening, the “shift” — and we’ve said it many, many times before and we’ll remind you of it again here and now: 

All Life is evolving into higher expression, as it can.

Remember this, and be not afraid.

Remember this and be at peace.

Or? Just remember this, and be who you truly are.

Meaning: find your center, make that a priority to be connected and clear and true. And to do the things each day that help you sustain that state of presence.

We can quite confidently say that you will likely need to return there repeatedly and don’t be put off by that. There is tremendous change and expansion occurring now, tremendous upheaval... and that will necessitate that you repeatedly reorient, readjust, integrate, and evolve…

This is a time of revelation.

And remember too: the light and clarity of inner knowing and connection, of openness, it is powerful and influential in a way that disconnection, illusion and separation, are not.

There IS A CLEARING, a glade of peace and well-being available always, your refuge on the inside. Go there often, and rest, renew, reconnect and rejoice! You can do this by simply pausing and taking a deep breath.

Know too, that you are also supported and dearly loved.

Stay the course. We are with you always.

I AM Archangel Michael with Ailia, Ashira, the Galactic Dragons and the Council of Radiant Light.

Ailia Mira

Your Romantic Relationships

Your Romantic Relationships

The Creators (12D)

A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on March 8, 2025

We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help. 
We know that you are always doing the best that you can in all areas of your lives, but especially when it comes to all of your relationships with other people. You may be hard on someone else that you are in a relationship with because you are hard on yourself and because someone else, or several people, have been hard on you. You may be doing what you think is most appropriate within a romantic relationship because it is all that you have ever had modeled to you.

When you get together with someone else in a romantic relationship, you tend to see the best of them, initially. And then as time moves forward, you tend to see all parts of them, and you feel less love within you for that person as a result. The average person will try to change their partner, to try to get their partner to see the error of their ways, so they can shape up and be that very lovable person that first emerged within the relationship for them. Now, of course, this works to varying degrees for different people, but for the most part it is the person who is asking the other to change who needs to change.

It is important for you all to see that you are that love that you want to feel and that you can generate that love within yourself and feel it no matter what the other person is doing. And when you are sending love to the other person and being love under all circumstances, then you are getting what you think you need from the other person, but you are getting it from within yourself. You see, you don’t need anyone else to change in order to experience love when looking at that person or thinking about them. You may need to shift the way you are focusing on that person. You may need to decide what to focus upon when thinking about that person, but you do not need the other person to perfect themselves so that you can then offer them your conditional love.

Many people go from relationship to relationship thinking that they will finally find ‘the one’ who is going to be everything they think they need another person to be. It is important to accept and love yourselves as you are, and it is just as important to do that for everyone else who is in your life, regardless of whether the relationship in question is a romantic one. We know that you expect a lot from your children and from your parents as well. You expect them to always be in alignment with Source and be beaming that unconditional love of Source upon you. But often they cannot because they have not been taught how to do so.

When we tell you to go within and generate the love that you truly are from inside of you, that is what we are attempting to do. We are attempting to teach you how to find the love that you truly are so that you can be it and feel it in all circumstances and around all people. And then you won’t be asking anyone else to complete you or to love you unconditionally. And that will make your life a whole lot easier and it will make your relationships a whole lot better, and you will fill yourselves up whenever you need to, because you will have practiced it, and you will have practiced it because you want to be in a loving romantic relationship with another person. Ultimately, however, you want to start having that relationship with yourself.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.
Daniel Scranton 


Service to others

Service to others

Tunia via channel A. S.

Posted on March 8, 2025


My dearest brothers and sisters,

This is Tunia speaking. I love you so very much.

There are famous Ra channelings, called the Law of One or the Ra material.

In it, a distinction is made between the "service to self" path and the "service to others" path.

The service to self path basically means being evil, and the service to self path basically means being good. However, it is pointed out that both paths are valid from a high enough perspective. After all, all roads lead back to Source, and ultimately we're reincarnating immortal souls. So the true us isn't being harmed if some service-to-self person harms our lower self.

Now, higher perspectives should not invalidate lower perspectives. So while on one hand it is good to acknowledge that the service to self path is valid, it is also perfectly understandable to not like people who are doing horrendous harm, and want to see them stopped. Both perspectives have merit.

I think all of this makes sense, except that I don't like the term "service to others." And that is the new information I wish to contribute today.

First, "service to others" makes it sound like sacrificing yourself for the benefit of others is the right thing to do. It's really not: putting yourself below others, or assigning less value to yourself than you assign to others, isn't unity consciousness. The proper thing to do is to actually serve yourself a bit (in a non-destructive way) and to serve others a bit. Because after all, you can't give from an empty cup.

And second, it's sort of separation consciousness to label people who aren't you as "others." From a unity consciousness perspective, those so-called others are in fact a part of you. They're not really other.

So personally I would name the good path as the "service to all" path, because then the self is included. And the evil path is still the "service to self" path.

Or alternatively, one could call the good path the "unity" path and call the evil path the "separation" path. And walking those paths reinforce either unity consciousness or separation consciousness.

This reflects that good people often see others as part of themselves to a degree, and so are motivated to help them in the same way that you are motivated to help your own arm if it is wounded. So a person on the "unity" path might help others just because those others are part of them. And that is perfectly fine.

Meanwhile evil people often see themselves as completely separate from others, which means that harming others isn't a big deal, and furthermore you can't rely on others which means that you are the only one who can make sure that you are okay. Hence stepping over other people to get what you want is the proper thing to do.

Another benefit is that this correctly indicates that the separation path is actually harder and more painful in the medium term than the unity path is.

So in summary: I personally prefer talking about either "service to all" versus "service to self", or talking about the "unity" path versus the "separation" path.

What do you think? Or do you have suggestions for other names? Feel free to leave comments. I would love to read your thoughts.

With all my love,

Your star sister,


For Era of Light
These channelings are exclusively submitted to by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to this original post.

If you are interested in local meetings with other people also seeking first contact with benevolent ETs, then please see If you search with control-F for @, then you can quickly find email addresses of those who are organizing local groups. It’s also not too late to post a new (secondary) email address yourself to start a new local group, because we plan to keep linking to that post for the foreseeable future.

Keeping The Balance

 Keeping The Balance

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Posted on March 8, 2025

Just when you thought things had reached break-neck speed, your Earth plane is about to ‘go to 11’.  

The incoming energy may put you in a challenging space but, the learning you have done since the beginning of the year has prepared you to handle it.  

It is important to stay focused on your breathing… remembering to breathe is the key.  It may seem as if chaos and mayhem are in charge, however, The Universe has a plan and you are included in keeping the balance.  

This is what you have been waiting for, now it is time to get to work. 

The Creator

Friday, March 7, 2025

How Easy It Can All Be

How Easy It Can All Be

By Steve Beckow

Posted on March 7, 2025

Wow! Michael just showed me again how all this is going to happen – I think! And how easy it can all be.

The Reval approaches and I’m sitting here thinking.

Michael wants me to hire the President of the Michaelangelo Fund first so that she (1) can set up the various channels of distribution that we’ll need – inside the fund and outside, through cooperation – while I’m expanding the Golden Age of Gaia.

However, while we’re on the subject, GAoG is not going to get glitzy. Forget it. Low key with an accent on the value of the information “selling it” rather than bells and whistles.  And always free.

So here I am, walking around everywhere thinking about it and there’s a knock on my door. And a political candidate shows up who asks me what I’d like to see in the City of Vancouver. Ding! (Keep in mind that the Michaelangelo Fund starts and gets its feet wet with the City of Vancouver.)

Lightbulb moment!

OK, OK, so maybe nothing pans out. But it sure woke me up as to how easily Michael can arrange things like meetings. And he’s told me about this in the past!!!! Not hard for him.


Every time something like that happens, it deepens my trust in Michael and Co. (“Co” because, as he says, “I have a few souls that help me out now and then.”)  (2)

I’ve listed all the miracles he’s done in my life, which list doesn’t include all the first days of the month I’m praying that the money downloads into my bank account in time. And it always does.

Heavy things becoming weightless, toxic substances rendered harmless, electrocution prevented, two housefires averted, etc. Every time another miracle happens, I feel stronger in relying on him (while keeping my wits about me!).

He says I handle this side (and he almost never overrules me – only with a housefire brewing) and he handles the other side.  He says, and I think this is my favorite comment from him, that he’s my (and your) “wingman.” (3) I’m feeling more and more confident in leaving his side to him and focusing on mine.

Hey, this is open to anyone.  Michael assures us:

Archangel Michael: Are we [archangels] in partnership with every being on the planet? Yes. But it is difficult when you are in a partnership and the other person does not realize it. So we are working with those who realize we are in partnership. And so that is why we are having these conversations. (4)

Open to anyone. I will never have to say that my life is boring.

So Michael has again given me an illustration of how easy it can be, in this case in planning my post-Reval activities, to meet (the right) people. (5)


(1) One of the purposes of the Michaelangelo Fund is to increase the opportunities for women to have boardroom-level experience in handling large budgets and managing international corporations.

(2) Aha! The truth is out! 🙂 Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 22, 2016. (Hereafter, AAM.)

(3)  AAM: We step forward in the fulfilment, you on Earth, on this beloved planet called Gaia, I as your wingman, quite literally. (AAM, March 10, 2017.)  Ha ha ha.

(4) “Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values, Part 2/2, ” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 16, 2013, at

(5) For an introvert, this is a big deal!

Steve Beckow

Where your Attention goes, your Energy flows

Where your Attention goes, your Energy flows

By Judith Kusel

Posted on March 7, 2025

Where your attention goes, your energy flows.

We are being asked to become more aware in the next days, weeks, months, year of what we give our attention and energy too, and where we allow it to be drained away.

As seeming chaos ranges, as the old systems disintegrate at the seams, your focus, attention and intention, as one with your sacred heart, your central point of focus should be within.

For within your own soul, as now fully merged with your monad, your whole navigational systems are. It is time to focus on the New Earth, the New Golden Age and the soul empowered life, you truly wish to live, and are living, from the heart and soul.

All the great masters who ever walked this earth, knew that the still point, equilibrium point, lies within.

From this inner still point, nothing can disrupt, disturb nor reach you. For not only lies Divinity within you, but your soul is infinite connected to the whole cosmos, and the Cosmic Hierarchy, the 352 tiers of Creation, the Prime Creator. Your holy breath, your sacred heart and soul, are infinitely plugged and tuned in.

Every morning I affirm my infinite connection, my infinite core, and tune into the day, asking that my way will be made smooth as I am serving with love and joy.

Then I carefully choose what I give my attention too, and when I still get pulled in, as happens, I immediately seek that still point within and get back to center point.

So often what triggers, are mirrors, showing up your own shadows, which are surfacing, so that you can finally be freed and step more fully into the light and love, you truly are.

Embrace your own divinity.

Your freedom to be simply your own true soul self, above all: “To thine own soul self be true!”

And lovingly serve from your heart and soul even as you exponentially grow in consciousness, you allow others to do the same.

You are love. Loving the new into form and being.

When, and How Are The Arcturians Coming?

When, and How Are The Arcturians Coming?

The 9D Arcturian Council 

Channel Daniel Scranton

Posted on March 7, 2025

We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We are quite aware of your reactions to our recent transmission about how we are coming to you, coming to Earth, and we know that some clarification is required. First of all, you want to know how, and you also want to know when. We have already been coming through Daniel here and others, energetically, and have been providing you with messages. You can start to receive the energy directly without needing him, and you can start getting your own messages directly as well.

You have had that ability, and not everyone has utilized that ability, but now you’re going to get more help from us in opening up to us energetically so that you can receive the messages as well. Now, you also may be wondering how we would appear in physical form when we do not have physical form to take. We can lower our vibration enough to create a type of holographic rendering of what we once looked like in physical form and appear to you anywhere at any time, seemingly standing right in front of you. It will be a projection of our consciousness, but you will still get to interact with us and that energy that comprises the quasi-physical body will still be real energy.

Now, you are all unique individuals, and so you all have different timetables that will determine when the best time is for these contact experiences to occur. You also have different levels of readiness, and some of you are ready for the more nonphysical connection and communication, while others would be ready for the holographic, humanoid-body-looking experience. You may also want to know how you can ready yourselves for these experiences and more. The answer is quite simple. Take care of yourselves. Take care of yourselves physically, emotionally, psychologically, and energetically.

Do your work on yourself that you know you need to do by clearing those stuck emotions, releasing those old limiting beliefs, and letting go of those negative thoughts. Put yourselves in places that will naturally raise your vibration, like out in nature or with your animal friends. Put yourself in water, immerse yourself, and allow the connections to occur. Don’t get impatient. Don’t wonder what is wrong if it’s not happening for you right away.

Remember that this is a journey, and it is a journey of many steps, and you will all meet Arcturians at some time. Also, open yourselves up to the possibility that you will meet someone else first, like a Pleiadian, like a member of the Yahyel race, one of your own hybrid children perhaps. We are not the only game in town, but we have had a hands off approach to humanity for a long time. And in recent years, we have been getting closer and closer to having more and more contact with you because you want it and because it’s needed.

Relax. Trust in the perfect divine timing, and at times focus on receiving a transmission of purple energy from our red giant known as Arcturus and/or meditate on a purple merkaba with the top half spinning clockwise and the bottom half spinning counterclockwise. We will see you soon.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

Daniel Scranton